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episode 32: pedal fast so the future is not 你r fault; default into savings now

本周, 在第32集, Pedal Fast So The Future Is Not Your Fault; Default Into Savings Now, 我们从 保罗·麦克尤恩,注册会计师,MTax, AIFA, 如果私营部门不能控制美国的退休问题,他将是意图的负责人和福利计划服务主管, 政府迟早会这么做. 在确保员工退休准备方面,企业主发挥着巨大的作用, 对于那些积极主动的人,有各种各样的激励措施. The best way to promote retirement readiness in 你r business is to use 你r company’s plan document as a strategic tool; understanding that individual employee financial wellbeing holistically enhances the future financial stability of the company as a whole.

在20世纪80年代, the American retirement process underwent a dramatic transformation from defined benefit plans that were paid for by 雇主贡献 to employee contributed 401(K) plans – effectively shifting the financial responsibility of future savings from the employer to the employee. 不幸的是, 雇员和雇主似乎都在努力理解这种转变所带来的新责任. 我们不仅了解到员工, 当他们自生自灭时, are unlikely to save for retirement on their own behalf; government statistics show that 53 percent of U.S.总部设在美国的公司不支持退休计划. 此外, 即使公司为员工提供了退休计划, 该计划仍然未能获得有意义的参与率(68%的合格员工选择退出)。.

企业主如何在鼓励员工参与的同时教育他们为退休储蓄的重要性? 开始使用你的退休计划文件作为一个战略工具,促进退休准备的整体方法. 保罗 says that one way businesses can optimize the retirement plan is to embrace the science of behavioral finance with inclusion and participation. 这可以通过“默认”员工加入公司的退休计划,同时推动更长期的退休计划来实现, 自愿投资. 开始提供管理成本较低的计划(如sep和SIMPLEs)可能也是明智的. 然后, 随着公司盈利能力的提高, 你可以开始使用更复杂的, 或合格的, 退休计划.



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